
Right of Revocation

You are entitled to revoke your contractual declarations in writing (e.g. by postal letter, fax or e-mail) or - if respective items are handed over to you before expiration of said term – by returning them within the term of one month without giving any reasons. The respective term starts with your receipt of this information in writing; however, not before the consignee’s receipt of the goods (or – with respect to recurring consignments of similar goods – not before the consignee’s receipt of the first partial delivery) and not before we have fulfilled our obligation to inform our customers as per Article 246, § 2 in relation to § 1, subparagraph 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory Act to the German Civil Code) and our obligations in accordance with § 312g, subparagraph 1, clause 1 BGB (German Civil Code) in relation to Article 246, § 3 EGBGB. The time limit for revocation shall be deemed observed by the timely dispatch of your revocation declaration or the return consignment.

Please send your revocation to:

Jakob - Oswald - Strasse 16
92289 Ursensollen
Service - Fax: +49 (0) 96 28 92 13 30
E-Mail: info@fiap.de

Consequences of Revocation

In case of legally valid revocations all mutually received deliverables and possible emoluments (e.g. interest) are to be restituted by either side. If you are (partially) unable to return the deliverables or benefits (such as advantages gained from use and enjoyment) to us or can only restitute them in deteriorated condition, you will be required to compensate respective values. However, suchlike compensation for items and/or advantages gained from use and enjoyment shall be limited deterioration caused by using respective items outside the scope of inspecting their properties and function. In this context, “inspecting properties and function” shall be the testing and trying of respective goods as common and customary in retail shops. Items suitable for parcel shipment are to be returned at our risk. In case the goods delivered are the goods ordered by you and the price of returned items is below EUR 40.- or (in case of prices exceeded the stated sum) you have not yet paid the contractually agreed (partial) price at the time of revocation, the customary charges for the return consignment shall be borne by you. In all other cases, you shall not be liable for any postage of respective returns. Items not suitable for parcel shipment will be picked up at your premises. Any and all payment (refunding) obligations shall be met within a term of 30 days. For you, said term shall start by sending us your revocation declaration or returning respective items; for us, the term shall begin with the receipt thereof.


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